When I ordered this novel, which is a first in a series, I was expecting a tale along the lines of The Fellowship of the Ring.
However, I was pleasantly surprised that this novel surpasses the first Tolkien novel
in regards to the character development and the continuous “movement” of the story line as to how it so fluidly relates the protagonist, Thurmond, and the comrades he bonds with during their adventure.
— Steve Hahn, via GoodReads
During a long and varied career, MacKenzie has been many things: educator, literary scholar, film consultant, global traveler. But none of these vocations have captured him so completely as his current job: worldbuilder. The name of that world—or at least its mecca—is Gorgonholm, a medieval-style metropolis “rife with crime” where “citizens and visitors were routinely plundered and not infrequently murdered.” If others flee such dangers, the author’s eponymous hero seeks them out and heads straight to the belly of the beast.
— Kirkus Reviews
Thurmond’s Saga is a solid medieval-fantasy adventure tale, full of derring-do, heroics, horrid monsters and really nasty villains.
— Wolfstan via Amazon
If you are looking for a great adventure story, then look no further. Mackenzie has created a simple world in which adventure lurks around every bend. The characters are well developed, and the author displays an obvious knowledge of medieval weaponry and life which permeates his writing. His storytelling style is easy to read, and moves spiritedly from scene to scene.
— Loren P. via Amazon